by Maxine | Jan 23, 2021
Back in the day, users thought that getting high was the ultimate goal, and many strains were grown to reduce CBD and increase THC. This would get you very high. Over the years as medical marijuana has become legal in more places, growers realized the medicinal potential was in the CBD. In Canada there are very specific labeling requirements on packaging, one of which is to give the amount of milligrams or percentages of each CBD and THC. Depending on your therapeutic needs, uses and experience, I would teach you how to figure out the best ratio to give you the best results for your individual needs.
by Maxine | Jan 23, 2021
Well, It’s not that easy, one size does not fit all. Cannabis use is a very personal experience and everyone has their own needs and reason for using. One woman may find CBD dominant strain through a vape pen is what she needs to get through the day, while another woman may need a balanced approach with a 1:1 CBD:THC ratio to help her cope with stress or pain. This is where I can help. Book a 40 min Discovery call to find out how I can help you!
by Maxine | Jan 23, 2021
First, what is a budtender? A budtender is a person who works at a cannabis shop. To work at a cannabis shop, you must take a course put out by the province, in Ontario it’s called CanSell, this is similar to Ontario’s alcohol serving certificate Smart Serve. Budtenders can tell you about products, but they cannot recommend nor are they allowed to help you dose product based on health concerns.
by Maxine | Jan 23, 2021
First I would take a detailed health and food history, to determine our starting point. We would discuss your health goals to determine the appropriateness of cannabis and how it can help you for your specific needs.
by Maxine | Jan 23, 2021
Do you drink wine to brush off a hard day? Then yes, you could also be incorporating cannabis into your health routine, neither make you a bad mother. Cannabis can help you relieve pain, anxiety or depression so you can be more present for your kids or your partner or even your work. The right ratio of CBD:THC can help you concentrate and make you feel more present in your everyday.