Do I Need a Referral?

Referrals are not required to book an appointment; however, some extended health insurers may require a physician’s referral for coverage of a Registered Dietitian. It is recommended that you check with your insurer prior to attending your first appointment.

Fees, Payment and Missed Appointments

Registered Dietitian fees are not covered under OHIP, However, you may be covered by your extended employment or private health insurance plans. Extended plans can cover full for partial costs for the appointment. Payment is required prior to service, you will be  provided with a receipt that you can submit to your health insurance plan for reimbursement. Credit cards and e- transfers are accepted. You will be charged 100% for your missed appointment or cancelation with less than 24 hours.

Do I Have To Smoke Cannabis?

Definitely NOT! There are many ways to consume Cannabis, if you don’t want to smoke flower or a vape pen, and you can also use oils, drops, sublingual sprays, edibles including cookies, gummies and drinks. Each have their own transit and onset time. But all are equally as effective to feel the effects.

Will I Get High? How Will CBD Make Me Feel?

Todays Cannabis isn’t like what you smoked behind the school growing up. It is cultivated carefully and purposefully. Your chance of getting high or intoxicated depends on the ratio of CBD to THC (cannabidiol to Tetrahydrocannabinol). CBD is non psychoactive, meaning the more you have compared to THC, the less high you will feel. Vice Versa, THC is psychoactive, meaning the more THC you have, the more high you will get. If you use cannabis that is CBD dominant, you will not feel any psychoactive effects. You will just feel a sense of calm. Almost comparable to taking a pain killer for a headache, often the effect that is felt with CBD is the absence of the pain or stressor.

How Do I Know What Ratio I Am Using To Get The Desired Effect?

Back in the day, users thought that getting high was the ultimate goal, and many strains were grown to reduce CBD and increase THC. This would get you very high. Over the years as medical marijuana has become legal in more places, growers realized the medicinal potential was in the CBD. In Canada there are very specific labeling requirements on packaging, one of which is to give the amount of milligrams or percentages of each CBD and THC. Depending on your therapeutic needs, uses and experience, I would teach you how to figure out the best ratio to give you the best results for your individual needs.